Japanese version: Practical Business Analytics with Generative AI

Japanese version: Practical Business Analytics with Generative AI

← View All Resources Japanese version: Practical Business Analytics with Generative AI Webinar Recap セミナー概要: 生成AIの進化がビジネスに与える影響は大きく、今後「あらゆるデータを活用」し、「データスキルの育成」が企業競争力の鍵を握る時代が到来しています。...
Webinar: Practical Business Analytics with Generative AI

Webinar: Practical Business Analytics with Generative AI

← View All Resources Webinar: Practical Business Analytics with Generative AI Webinar .    In the rapidly evolving landscape of data-driven decision-making, staying ahead means harnessing the latest in AI technology. This webinar is designed for beginners, offering...
Carbon Neutral Innovation

Carbon Neutral Innovation

← View All Resources Carbon Neutral Innovation Webinar Recap Global warming is a global challenge for all stakeholders. The Paris Agreement sets a goal of keeping the global average temperature rise below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and to achieve this goal, it...
The future of automation for European supply chains

The future of automation for European supply chains

← View All Resources The future of automation for European supply chains (Japanese language) Watch the Webinar VideoView the Webinar Slide Deck Watch the Webinar Video View the Webinar Slide Deck ← View All Resources This website uses cookies for analytics,...
SAP Migration & Integration Success

SAP Migration & Integration Success

← View All Resources SAP Migration & Integration Success Watch the Webinar VideoView the Webinar Slide Deck Watch the Webinar Video View the Webinar Slide Deck ← View All Resources This website uses cookies for analytics, personalisation and optimized...
Achieving Business Process Automation

Achieving Business Process Automation

← View All Resources Achieving Business Process Automation Watch the Webinar VideoView the Webinar Slide Deck Watch the Webinar Video View the Webinar Slide Deck ← View All Resources This website uses cookies for analytics, personalisation and optimized performance....