HULFT Overview Graphic

Integrate anything. Our comprehensive set of adapters allows your teams to concentrate on accessing the right information.


Automate business processes in order to increase business efficiency and provide better visibility.


Bridge the divide by connecting APIs both on-premises and cloud.


Connect both cloud-based or local APIs into a single environment.


Scale quickly across your channels with APIs and prebuilt adapters.

Supply Chain

Connectivity across procurement, lifecycle management, SCM, logistics, and order management.

Enterprise-grade business process automation

Enterprise-grade business process automation for busy people.

We build rules based, transformational logic designs so you can focus on your most important work. Our automation solutions complement, extend, and protect your RPA investments.

Built for simplicity, reliability, agility.

Intuitive, no-code

Create cooperation flows, data conversions, and process through intuitive, no-code, drag-and-drop interfaces

Flexible, adaptable

On-premises or cloud services. You decide how much to outsource your data integration for faster ROI.

Powerful connectivity

Pre-built adapters that connect and pull in data from any source.

Connect with us to learn more about HULFT Integrate

Learn how HULFT Integrate can transform your business.

Complete the form and we’ll follow up with you. In the meantime, you can also download the HULFT Integrate product information sheet.

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