Nissin Foods Deploys Saison Technology’s HULFT Square for Data Integration

Nissin selects cloud-based iPaaS integration solution from Saison Technology to solve immediate challenges and grow with the company through 2030

Founded in 1948, Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. is a leader in the instant noodle industry, and one of the most widely known brands of its kind around the world. Its popular products include Top Ramen and Cup Noodles. The company employs 15,000 people with annual revenues exceeding $4 billion USD.

Siloed, legacy systems prevented data-driven analysis and decision-making

As part of Nissin’s long-range planning for 2030 and beyond, the management team sought to establish a new technology foundation for data-driven business management. This meant moving away from intuition-based decisions and making them more pragmatic through hypothesis formulation and using high-value data analysis to back them up.

To enable this capability, the Nissin IT group needed to automate data integration across all departments. In some cases, teams relied on manual data retrieval and transcription tasks, which slowed down data availability and prevented synchronization in time. In addition, many teams used different business intelligence tools and methods.

Nissin determined that they needed a cloud-based integration platform that could just as easliy work with legacy data as with the most modern data stores such as Snowflake, Azure and SAP. The IT team selected HULFT Square for its strong ability to handle all data inside of a cloud-based integration framework.

“We chose HULFT Square because it was the solution to solve near-term issues and could grow with us in the future,” said Toshihrio Narita, Executive Officer and CIO, Nissin Food Holdings.

A connected workflow for data-driven decisioning that will help Nissin grow and prosper

With HULFT Square, Nissin connects core systems including SAP, Snowflake, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server and BI tools supplied by Business Spectre. HULFT also serves as the integration solution of record to ensure that accurate data exists in all systems.

Today Nissin spends much less time making manual system changes when attributes of core business applications change, because the majority of them are handled automatically with HULFT.

Nissin’s team now only spends just a fraction of the hours it used to take per week on tasks. This enables the Nissin business applications team to spend more time on tasks that add value to the business.

With HULFT Square as the centralized data integration platform, future additions to cloud and on-premise systems will be easier and more cost-effective.

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