Nissin Leverages Generative AI and Develops a Data Integration and Analysis Platform

NISSIN FOODS Group is a leading “EARTH FOOD CREATOR,” continuously innovating food culture while addressing social challenges and contributing to a better world through the enjoyment of food. Based on the spirit of founder Momofuku Ando, ​​who invented instant noodles such as Chicken Ramen and Cup Noodles, the group’s focus is not limited to the instant noodle business but on expanding globally into non-instant noodle products such as chilled noodles, frozen noodles, beverages, and snacks.

One initiative is to establish a foundation that contributes to data-driven management, and to achieve this, Nissin is establishing a data integration/analysis platform. HULFT Square, a cloud-based data integration platform (iPaaS), is the data integration platform that aggregates partially optimized data from each system and inputs it into a Snowflake Data warehouse.

Building a data integration and analysis platform and consolidating data sources

In 2022, the company set five key digital initiatives for 2030: Cybersecurity, global IT governance, support for digital use in business departments, use of advanced networks/mobile devices, and the establishment of a foundation that contributes to data-driven management. The Data Science Office of the Information Planning Department of Nissin Food Holdings Co., Ltd. is working on establishing a foundation that contributes to data-driven management, which is one of these initiatives.

“We are working on establishing a data integration/analysis platform so that we can get to the starting line as a data-driven company before 2025. Specifically, we are promoting three activities: consolidating various data sources in one place, distributing them to business departments so that they can use them in their work, and increasing the number of people who understand by improving employees’ IT literacy,” explains Yoshihiko Itagaki, Head of the Data Science Office.

“In order to use data for decision-making, it is necessary to cross-reference various data and optimize the whole process,” says Kazuyoshi Yamagata, a professional in the same department. In addition to Nissin’s food production and sales, the company’s major business processes include shipping products, delivery to wholesalers and retailers, and sales centered on POS data at stores, and these are operated by individually optimized systems into one Data warehouse.

Read the full case study here.


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